
Watch the beautiful trailer of INOCENTE by clicking the above image.

INOCENTE tells the story of a young Latina striving to find her artistic voice despite having no home, no role models and no legal status.  The only constant in her precarious life is her art and her determination to express herself through it.

INOCENTE is an intensely personal and vibrant coming of age documentary about a young artist’s fierce determination to never surrender to the bleakness of her surroundings.  At 15, Inocente refuses to let her dream of becoming an artist be caged by her life as an undocumented immigrant forced to live homeless for the last nine years. Color is her personal revolution and its extraordinary sweep on her canvases creates a world that looks nothing like her own dark past – – a past punctuated by a father deported for domestic abuse, an alcoholic and defeated mother of four who once took her daughter by the hand to jump off a bridge together, an endless shuffle year after year through the city’s overcrowded homeless shelters and the constant threat of deportation.  The challenges are staggering, but the hope in Inocente’s story proves that the hand she has been dealt does not define her, her dreams do.

Learn More About the Issues

>>Learn More About Homelessness in the US
>>Learn More About the Importance of Arts Education

Shine Global is currently seeking finishing funds for this beautiful documentary.  Please consider making a tax-deductible donation now and become a filmmaker with Shine Global.  CLICK HERE