Protecting Those Who Feed America: Coachella County Vaccinates Farmworkers

Protecting Those Who Feed America: Coachella County Vaccinates Farmworkers


Protecting Those Who Feed America: Coachella County Vaccinates Farmworkers

By Susan MacLaury

There’s very welcome news out of Coachella Valley, CA, one of the most important agricultural areas in the country and now the first county in the US to bring the COVID-19 vaccine directly to farmworkers. This is a huge development for those who feed America, especially since it’s available to all, regardless of whether they’re documented. It ensures that workers who might otherwise not have been able to schedule appointments, or travel to keep them, will be safe. To date, thousands have been vaccinated at pop-up vaccination sites in this effort co-hosted by food growers and the local health department.

Traditionally, those who lack citizenship have been fearful of applying for any type of US governmental programs. The vaccination program, which began in January, took months of planning and community organizing to assuage fears among workers both about the vaccine’s effects as well as possible legal consequences of being vaccinated. It’s being hosted by local growers and the county health department.

This move is essential as in some areas of the US more than 40% of farm workers have tested positive for the virus. A recent study by Purdue University found that more than 500,000 have tested positive and 9,000+ have died.

These are the families we documented in The Harvest (La Cosecha) in 2010 with the support of executive producer Eva Longoria. Just today, one such young worker, Gianna Nino, is the subject of our “Shining a Light” series.

We are proud to add our voices to those who publicize the sacrifices made by hundreds of thousands of migrant working families who labor under harsh conditions for little pay, suffering the effects of pesticides, farm injuries, extreme weather, and very poor living conditions, often also worrying about possible arrest and deportation. Here’s to Coachella County and the hope that many other local governments will follow their example.

Susan MacLaury
Executive Director and Co-Founder of Shine Global




This Teenager Made Her Own Hand Sanitizer and Donated All of the Money to Yemen

This Teenager Made Her Own Hand Sanitizer and Donated All of the Money to Yemen


This Teenager Made Her Own Hand Sanitizer and Donated All of the Money to Yemen


By Isabella Ullmann

For 15-year-old Julia D’Amato, the coronavirus pandemic was not an obstacle for her passion for social activism, but rather a unique opportunity to give back on a global scale. In early July, Julia launched Julia’s Cleanser’s, a homemade sanitizing business that sells eight unique sanitizing scents such as Eucalyptus, Tea Tree, and mint that kill bacteria and viruses. 100% of proceeds go to save the children’s Yemen branch, as Julia mentions on her site that it’s suffering the worst humanitarian crisis in the world.

Julia decided to raise money specifically for Yemen given that “in order to save this country from extinction, 2 billion dollars must be raised,” according to her website. With a fundraising goal of $1,000 to donate to save the children branch this summer, she’s already surpassed it by 400 dollars by August 1st. She wrote, “Thank you so much. I did not expect nearly this much success for a local student-run initiative! I am so grateful.”

In addition to the sale of her homemade hand sanitizers, Julia is working to spread awareness surrounding the crisis in Yemen on her Instagram through interviews with Yeminies. She has interviewed Yeminies such as Aliya Nehmi who came to the US only two years ago and have first hand knowledge on the experience there. Julia tackles topics such as “Secret Yemen prisons,” access to food or clean water, and the health care system.

To see our live interview with Julia, click here:

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Shining A Light Episode 6: The Digital Divide

Shining A Light Episode 6: The Digital Divide


Shining A Light Episode 6: The Digital Divide


By Sean Conrad

This week Sean interviewed a 2nd grade teacher in Iowa about how their classroom has been impacted by covid-19 and the digital divide. The shift to online education has left millions of students unable to complete their work. It’s clear that access to broadband is an issue of equality, equity, and prosperity for the 12 million kids in America who are being left behind.


Subscribing to Shine Global on YouTube is one of the easiest, most helpful ways to support us in our mission of making films about underserved youth and their families. Thank you so much for your support!

Protecting Those Who Feed America: Coachella County Vaccinates Farmworkers

Notes from Susan: Covid-19 Reveals The “Weathering” Of African-Americans


Notes from Susan: Covid-19 Reveals The “Weathering” Of African-Americans

By Susan MacLaury

By now we’ve all undoubtedly learned that African-Americans, particularly males – are dying at disproportionately higher rates from COVID-19 than any other segment of the US population.

Chicago Mayor, Lori Lightfoot, recently proclaimed this fact a “call to action moment” for her city in which Black citizens comprise more than half of all diagnosed cases of the corona virus and 72% of its deaths, while being less than 1/3 the total population. Statewide, African-Americans represent 15% of Illinois’ total population yet account for 28% of those testing positive and 43% of all deaths. Most states have not released their figures but one has to assume similar disparities may well be revealed throughout the US.

Arline Geronimus, Professor of Public Health at the University of Michigan, studies what is called “weathering,” the cumulative effect of stress resulting from racial discrimination, long-term exposure to environmental toxins, redlining that limits essential services, disproportionate victimization by crime… the list continues… on persons of color. All these factors, increase the vulnerability of African- Americans, particularly males, to develop underlying problems like asthma, diabetes, and heart disease ,which as we now understand increases the likelihood of dying from this virus. Is anyone reading this surprised?

Shine Global promotes social change for kids and families by bringing their stories to the screen and then to classrooms around the world. Many of our film subjects have experienced the “weathering” Dr. Geronimus describes.

Our second film, released in 2011, was The Harvest (La Cosecha), which documented the lives of three American migrant child workers of Hispanic descent and their families, who were unprotected by federal laws as they picked much of the produce Americans eat. They suffered physically, educationally and financially to feed American families. Ironically, after years of discrimination and even threatened deportation, these workers are now deemed “essential” to the American economy even as they continue to live in substandard housing and can’t afford to buy the produce they have picked.

This year, we completed a short documentary, Virtually Free, that explores another aspect of institutional racism in the US – its juvenile justice system. African-American youths make up 14% of the US population under 18 yet 42% of males detained are Black, as are 35% of females.1 The product of substandard housing, education, and racial discrimination, 78% will go on to reoffend and the majority will never graduate from high school.

There is great good that can come from this period of uncertainty, including the sincere profession by so many that: “We’re all in this together.” Let’s make sure we extend this heartfelt compassion to all young Americans who deserve safe, supportive childhoods.



Shining A Light Episode 5: Coronavirus, TikTok, and #StayHome

Shining A Light Episode 5: Coronavirus, TikTok, and #StayHome


Shining A Light Episode 5: Coronavirus, TikTok, and #StayHome


By Sean Conrad

This week I made my first ever tiktok to see what the hype is all about, and to better understand how teens across America are coping with #stayhome. Check out our most recent YouTube video to see the results!

Subscribing to Shine Global on YouTube is one of the easiest, most helpful ways to support us in our mission of making films about underserved youth and their families. Thank you so much for your support!