Notes from Susan: Celebrating The Courageous Young Bystanders Who Filmed George Floyd’s Murder

Notes from Susan: Celebrating The Courageous Young Bystanders Who Filmed George Floyd’s Murder


Notes From Susan: Celebrating The Courageous Young Bystanders Who Filmed George Floyd’s Murder

By Susan MacLaury

Like many of you, I followed Derek Chauvin’s trial on charges that he had caused George Floyd’s death nightly on the evening news and was watching when the verdicts were announced yesterday. I was relieved that the center held. The jury accepted their very difficult challenge and demonstrated the grace necessary to agree on the verdict of all three charges against him.

Also, like you, I watched the actual incident itself as it unfolded last May 25th thanks to the footage shot by young bystanders and the news outlets that broadcast it. Most notable was that filmed by a 17-year old, Darnella, who begged police to stop suffocating Mr. Floyd. She and another young woman, Alyssa, kept their phone cameras steady throughout the incident. 

They and others who saw the murder up close have been called “the first jury.” We are all indebted to them for the concern and courage they showed, including the young female EMT, Genevieve Hanson, who approached police to offer her assistance resuscitating them only to be blocked by one of the other 3 policemen.

I remember the first time I saw this footage and watched Derek Chauvin look directly at the camera, expressionless, as he ignored Mr. Floyd’s pleas. I said to my husband: “My God. We’ve just watched a man be murdered.” And, also like many of you I suspect, my greatest fear was that he’d get away with it, that like all the deaths of unarmed Blacks before and since, Chauvin would be protected by the blue wall.

Beyond the elation that this did not happen and the hope that possibly Black Americans can finally anticipate equal protection under the law , I want to express my gratitude to the filmmakers who documented this nightmarish event. They were young, frightened, and angry, but they held their position and in doing so helped to invigorate the Black Lives Matter movement, the most significant collective effort since the Freedom Riders of the 1960s Civil Rights Movement.

Shine Global salutes Darnella, Alyssa and other witnesses – and all documentary filmmakers worldwide – who care enough to make sure the world sees the truth.

Take care,

Susan MacLaury
Executive Director and Co-Founder of Shine Global




This Protest Reached Millions… And it Was Organized by Teens

This Protest Reached Millions… And it Was Organized by Teens


This Protest Reached Millions… And it Was Organized by Teens


By Isabella Ullmann

Over the last two weeks, one of the largest protests demanding justice for George Floyd that went viral was the Golden Gate Bridge protest on June 6th. With upwards of 50,000 marchers, this protest was organized by two teens on social media just one day prior.

This week on Shining a Light, meet activists Tiana Day, 19, and Mimi Zoila, 17: the teens who connected on Instagram to reach millions with their protest. After Mimi obtained a permit for the protest, she posted on Instagram looking for a member of the black community to lead the protest and speak during the march. Tiana, who had helped organize a protest in her hometown San Ramone just a few days earlier, was instantly interested.

The duo used the slogan “Lead With Love” during the march, and received press attention from various news outlets for their impressive turnout at the march. Not only that, but the two are now calling each other best friends in just a matter of days, which speaks to the emotional connection the two now share. 

Aside from their efforts with the Golden Gate Bridge protest, they’re both harnessing new ways to make changes in their communities. Tiana started Youth Advocates for Change that creates scholarships for black youth in her community, and Mimi is seeking ways to give younger voices in her community a voice to fight injustice.

From their drive to inspire police reform through leading with love, Shine Global honors these two women for bringing thousands together to protest peacefully. Click here to see the whole video: 


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Justice for George Floyd: This is the 17-year-old Who Filmed His Murder

Justice for George Floyd: This is the 17-year-old Who Filmed His Murder


Justice for George Floyd: This is the 17-year-old Who Filmed His Murder


By Isabella Ullmann

Whether you saw it on a local news outlet, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, it’s likely you’ve encountered the horrifying footage of George Floyd’s murder by now. For most viewers, however, it’s unlikely they know the story behind the teen who captured the footage that sparked the global upheaval. This week on Shining a Light, meet 17-year-old digital activist and filmmaker: Darnella Frazier.

Darnella, along with her baby cousin, was walking to the grocery store when she saw what was happening to George Floyd and pulled out her phone to videotape the event. The next day, she posted the video to her Facebook page, and it soon went viral.

This week, Shine Global is shining a light on Darnella for being a new, and extremely important type of activist in 2020: a digital activist. Without such important yet mortifying visual content, it’s unlikely that the event would have sparked the necessary change that it did. With that in mind, you’d think that Darnella would be applauded for being brave enough to capture the event. Yet, she is being harassed by people for not physically intervening. Darnella responded to such claims on Facebook below: 

On the flip side, many news outlets have referred to her lawyer’s quote about her being “the next Rosa Parks of her generation,” and others have celebrated her as “The Most Influential Filmmaker of the Century.” At Shine, we are dedicated to honoring young activists who take stands against social injustices, and applaud Darnella for her efforts. Click here to see the whole “Shining A Light” video:



Subscribing to Shine Global on YouTube is one of the easiest, most helpful ways to support us in our mission of making films about underserved youth and their families. Thank you so much for your support!