Waiting for Mamu exclusive online release with 100% proceeds benefiting children in Nepal
NEW YORK CITY, November 12, 2014 – As its first cause marketing initiative, M-GO, a premium transactional video on demand (VOD) service and joint venture between Technicolor and DreamWorks Animation, and Reframed Pictures, an independent production company, today announced the exclusive availability of the awarding winning Waiting for Mamu for rental or purchase on mgo.com. The short documentary film tells the story of Pushpa Basnet and children in Nepal that grow up incarcerated while their mothers serve prison sentences. Basnet, known as Mamu by the children, runs The Early Childhood Development Center (ECDC) that provides these children with an education and chance for stable futures. Shine Global is proud to have been involved with supporting this film.
“As a movie and television streaming platform, M-GO decided ‘filmanthropy’ is an important space where our company can contribute,” said M-GO Senior Vice President of Content Cameron Douglas. “We’re excited to partner with Reframed Pictures to support a film that carries such a strong message of social activism.”
To rent or buy Waiting for Mamu for as little as $2.99, visit www.mgo.com/mamu. As the exclusive platform for the film’s first 90 days, M-GO and Kinonation, a VOD cloud service, will donate every dollar spent directly to the ECDC.
“Reframed Pictures seeks to create and support media that is not only entertaining, but also inspires action,” said Waiting for Mamu Producer and Reframed Pictures Co-Founder Thomas Morgan. “Our partnership with M-GO will help raise both awareness and funds for the ECDC.”
The film’s executive producers, Susan Sarandon and Morgan Spurlock, will co-host a special screening of Waiting for Mamu along with Parabal Gurung and Basnet at the Rubin Museum in New York on November 12, 2014. The event will celebrate the ECDC’s work and generate awareness for the film’s release on mgo.com.
“Most people see an injustice, get upset, do a short-term something and move on. Because to do more would mean interrupting their lives,” said Susan Sarandon. “Pushpa dared to forge a new path, against all odds, to give incarcerated children an education and a future. To give them love and build their self esteem. To give them hope. She does all this without any claim to their future. Her story is an important one that should be told and I’m honored to have had the opportunity to help make that possible.”
Later this month, Reframed Pictures will again team up with M-GO for Storied Streets, a film about homelessness in the United States, to complete the launch of M-GO’s first cause marketing initiative. Storied Streets will be screened on 750 university campuses across the U.S. on November 16 as part of National Hunger and Homelessness Awareness Week.
Outside of the US, the film is available to watch on Vimeo on Demand.