From This Small Place


Currently Playing in Film Festivals

A six-year-old boy named Hossain grows up in the world’s largest refugee camp in Bangladesh as the Rohingya refugee crisis becomes increasingly dangerous.


Hossain arrived at the refugee camps in Bangladesh with his parents and six siblings in August 2017 along with approximately 800,000 other people when violence against the Rohingya in Myanmar escalated. These refugees are at the frontlines of the most urgent challenges facing humans today, including: hate, climate change, poverty, xenophobia, and immigration.

Hossain’s story will be a heart-wrenching view into how young lives are vulnerable to these global issues. We will use this film as the centerpiece of a multi-level campaign to create change for the Rohingya people and Hossain’s family.


*To be released in Film Festivals Fall 2023

Supported by a grant from the IDA and private donors


Directed by
Taimi Arvidson

Produced by
Brette Ragland
Neaz Mahmud Roni

PRoduced in association with shine global