Julia Perez, the Associate Producer of THE HARVEST/LA COSECHA, was on Arizona’s PBS show Horizonte to discuss the film and the consequences of child labor in America’s fields. Horizonte, a weekly public affairs program, focuses on Arizona issues through a Hispanic lens and is hosted by José Cárdenas, senior vice president and general counsel of Arizona State University.
Cárdenas has interviewed a veritable who’s who of Arizona newsmakers on HORIZONTE. Governor Janet Napolitano, Congressmen Ed Pastor and Jeff Flake, Phoenix Mayor Phil Gordon, Mesa Mayor Keno Hawker, political consultant Alfredo Gutierrez, Arizona Attorney General Andrew Thomas, Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, Mesa Police Chief George Gascon, former U.S. Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor and Arizona Supreme Court Justice Ruth McGregor have all joined Cárdenas in the Horizonte studio to discuss issues ranging from public policy to education.
Julia Perez has been advocating for many years on the issue of child labor in US fields and became involved in the film because she believed in the power of media and film to make real change–both in the stalled legislation to change child labor laws and the lives of child migrant farmworkers.