Kim Brizzolara, Hero of the Month!
Kim Brizzolara is chair of the Hampton’s International Film Festival, Films of Conflict & Resolution, where she oversees an international advisory board in the selection and development of a juried section of films from conflict zones of the world; and is on the board of Creative Visions, which fosters the work of creative activists in film and media. She is currently producing a feature film based on a memoir of a blind hero of the French Resistance. Kim has served as a grantsmaker for the Threshold Foundation, where she designated funds to non-profit organizations that focus on peace and national security issues; as acting director of the Coexistence Center at Baruch College School of Public Affairs, which focuses on conflict resolution, race relations, ethnic diversity and equity in the academic environment and in the community; as conference coordinator for Economists Allied for Arms Reduction and the Robert F. Kennedy Memorial Center for Human Rights; on the campaigns of Mario Cuomo, and Rudolph Giuliani, author of numerous position papers, grants proposals and freelance articles; and as a reporter for East Side Express and The Philadelphia Inquirer. She awarded Shine Global with the first Conflict and Resolution Development Award for THE HARVEST at the 2009 Hamptons International Film Festival.
Kim’s vast experience and dedication to bringing important stories to light is truly remarkable. We, at Shine, commend her amazing efforts to tell stories that make a difference in people’s lives.