Inocente Izucar with Rep. Raul Grijalva (AZ) at his office in DC in Feb 2013
By Susan MacLaury
By now anyone who has read or listened to the news knows that the Trump administration is ending the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) program that risks the fates of more than 800,000 young adults brought to the US as children. We have the opportunity to resist this action and we must take advantage of it.
In 2013, we visited several members of congress with Inocente Izucar, the subject of our short documentary, Inocente. We gave each a DVD of the film and took this opportunity to explain how she had been brought to America as a very small child by her father. When he was deported for domestic violence, the family lost his income and became ensnarled in homelessness, moving in and out of shelters. After the film, Inocente, her mother, and siblings all received support and green cards. We took this opportunity in DC to ask legislators support for the thousands of other children, like Inocente, who were vulnerable to deportation. Though President Obama had authorized DACA in 2012, we hoped for a permanent solution.
We believed then and continue to believe that innocent children who are brought to America are OUR children, deserving of full protection and support. The film, Inocente, puts a very human face to this issue and if any of you are thinking of sponsoring social actions on their behalf you may wish to show it as a part of your event (More info here.)
We’re all immigrants on this bus.
Take a few minutes to learn about the Hope Act of 2017 by clicking here.
You can also read about the original Dream Act, originally co-sponsored by Senators Orrin Hatch and Dick Durbin in 2001, which itself could still be passed today at Slate.
And when you’re ready, urge your legislators to protect these children. To find your Representatives name and contact info you can call 202 224-2131 or click here to enter your zip code and find their info.